Well some things were updated and I thought I would share It, so you guys can stay 'up to date'. By the way, I'll try and update this list whenever something gets fixed.
-Custom NPC's in both Henesys and FM.
-Unlimited Buffs
-GM job system is now obtainable
-Pets "should" be working. (They do not evolve)
-@buff was added
-Most to tons of commands were added for GM's and Players
-All-In-One shop was tweaked and now It has a "ETC" section and couple other things.
-3 new donator commands (itemvac, autorebirth, search)
-Rebirth shops (Talk to Prestige Shop in henesys)
-Custom chair NPC
-Gachapon was tweaked and now sells stat'd equips and custom chairs. (henesys)
-stat'd Von leon equip seller (Makarov in Henesys)
-Fix's on GM commands and new Player commands (@help)
-Updated to v1.06 items / hair
-Added tons and tons of Custom Chairs
-New GM & Donor hat
-Von leon NPC & Vote point shop (Both in Henesys)
-Donation rewards were added (more prizes will be added.
Click here to see)
-Full PVP was added
-100% working rings
-New occupation system
-Boss spawner is now working fine (FM 22)
-All in one shop prices changed
-3 new channels.
-/pet <message> it wont show your character saying it
-@Autojob & @automeso are now on the player commands list and work.
-Updated website player commands
-@rebirthammo is fully functional now!
-Currency changed from Cheese to Bullets (More cod related)
-Makarov was fixed
-Makarov now also sells gear for 10 bullets each.
-GM hats are now obtainable for 500 bullets. (Makarov in henesys. NOTE: This GM hat is different from the official GM hat, It doesnt have MW on it, it just has the original W.)
-Juliet now has 7 more JQ maps. Do @jq (the Difficult JQ section gives double the normal ones)
-@snipe <name> was added for players (10min cooldown)
-@grenade is working (5min cooldown)
-Now presenting the commander system of a channel. (You gain x2 exp as a commander and can use @cnotice to broadcast a message to the world, @commanderhelp)
-added and fixedOccupations and they actually work now 100%...
-@callgm, @shop are good now.
-Tag event and Random guess event can be done now! (Custom events)
-Added more donator commands
-Donators are now referred to as Elite Members. (If you play call of duty, you would know what that is)
-Donator Commands: