Revision 2: Everytime something is added/fixed I will "Try" and post here to keep you guys 'up to date'.
-Fixed alliances, but you can only have 1 alliance At the moment.
-@checkstats was modified (Removed hp, mp, fame and couple other useless things)
-Players can now autorebirth. (@autorebirth)
-CaptainPrice in FM now upgrades weopons (You can keep adding weopon attack on the same weopon)
-Changed the medal seller in Henesys, each medal now costs 1Bullet ([Alex]Mason)
-Added 3 more donor commands and I am adding more.
-Re-added @hideout / @sethideout and fixed it!
-Added @buff and its not bugged this time.
-Removed @maxskills, the starter npc max's skills for you and blocks somethings.
-PrestigeShop (henesys) was fixed and now you will lose rebirths after buying an item and I added new items.
-Soldier in FM changed, now hes a Joke / Pick up lines NPC (Jokes will get better)
-New custom character outfit after you make a new character (Looks more cod life)
-Changed the starter island alittle